Full Fathom Five Thy Sanity Lies…

When’s the last time I had a Wordgasm?


Well, last night actually.  And it was fantastic.

One of my very good friends is pregnant and she shared with me a poem about motherhood.  Which immediately made me think of Galway  Kinnell’s “After Making Love We Hear Footsteps.”  I shared that poem with her, and like every time I read Kinnell’s poetry; I got goose bumps.  “this one whom habit of memory propels to the ground of his making,”




I just love those moments where words or phrases hit you, and stay with you forever; crawling under your skin to burrow in the very fabric of your sense of self.  I would not be who I am without Othello or Romeo and Juliet.  Since when I’m tired and modern colloquialisms fail me I fall back on Shakespearean insults.  My alarm clock has probably heard “a plague o’ both your houses,” more than any other insult.  Though I’m sure it comes out more like “a plugh uh buth yuh huhuh.”

It’s really important to me to keep those phrases or words close, constantly using them.  I cannot hear the words: “The time has come,” without responding, “the Walrus said.”  It’s an impossibility.  I use music as just a further extension of language also.  I love A Perfect Circle for their creepy, beautiful sound and even more for their lyrics.  “Call an optimist, she’s turning blue.”  I WISH I could have thought of that.

I find that in the Creative Writing Track my teachers really understand about those turns of phrase that bury themselves into you, but I don’t always get that feeling from my peers.  And I’m wondering if I’m just too open about having a wordgasm in public…

When’s the last time you had a Wordgasm, and what caused it?  I’d love to know.  I have to stop here though, I’m getting hot just thinking about it. 😀

~ by Stephenie on August 18, 2011.

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